Duration 2023-2025
The “Learning Factories” project envisages to “put the companies in the front of the training process” promoting the participation of the Leather Goods SMEs, together with public/private VET providers in the development and piloting of highquality IVET and CVET creative agile short-term curricula and a new age of contents in AI & videos, able to attract, maintain and prepare employees with the needed skills to support the green and digital transition and increase competitiveness in the sector.

put the companies in the front of the training process

Besides transversal activities of management and dissemination, “Learning Factories” will implement activities of creating and piloting agile short-term curricula and correspondent digital-based contents, train the trainers/teacher/tutors activities, “cross fertilization” shopfloor activities with trainers/teacher/tutors and a innovative model for the cooperation in training education privileging the role of the companies as leaders of the training process.