TCLF Pact for Skills: Building a Future-Ready Workforce Through Collaboration and Innovation

TCLF Pact for Skills: Building a Future-Ready Workforce Through Collaboration and Innovation

The European Pact for Skills, launched by the European Commission in November 2020, is a key initiative under the European Skills Agenda, aiming to shape a better skilled and adaptable workforce across Europe. This ambitious effort brings together businesses, educational institutions, and government bodies in a collaborative push to invest in lifelong learning for Europe's workers. By prioritising upskilling and reskilling, the Pact empowers public and private organisations to not just navigate but excel through the green and digital transitions transforming industries today.

The Textile ecosystem, which gathers the textiles, apparel, footwear, leather goods, and leather sectors (TCLF) is one of the 14 strategic industrial ecosystems to have been invited to promote the constitution of Pact for Skills in Europe. People are the most important asset of these industries, and investments in their lifelong learning represents investing in the competitiveness and growth of companies.

As a result, the three EU TCLF umbrella organisations, EURATEX (textiles and clothing), COTANCE (leather), and CEC (footwear) developed and launched the EU TCLF Pact for Skills Charter in December 2021 together with relevant stakeholders. With this, the TCLF Skills Alliance was born. The Pact has been endorsed by more than 170 signatories from industry stakeholders, education providers, regional authorities, and other relevant players committed to creating a dynamic and skilled TCLF workforce.

With the constitution of regional skills partnerships of public and private entities across Europe, stakeholders agree on developing and implementing regional Pact for Skills for more resilient and competitive industries. To support such efforts, three European Commission co-funded projects, the Erasmus+ Blueprint METASKILLS4TCLF and EQUALIS4TCLF, and the TCLF SkillBridge, have been initiated. Project partners are currently mobilising private and public stakeholders to constitute regional skills working groups. Such groups will then identify the specific regional skills needs, setting up medium and long-term objectives and activities to perform, all within a framework of Regional Pacts for Skills. The three EU umbrella organisations, also partners in these projects, will support the definition and implementation of the different Pacts, and will offer tools, guidelines, events, and assistance to companies, particularly SMEs, through training and mentorship activities.
